Partnering with Soles4Souls
Giving Tuesday 2020
Similar to our sister schools across the Diocese, and the United States, we continue to face a number of compounding factors, like the economic recession, interfering in our efforts to sustain the ability to cover increased expenses and retain existing families.
There are two approaches for schools to consider when faced with these challenges. Some schools manage by eliminating programs, cutting salaries, and decreasing tuition assistance hoping these cuts will keep them afloat. This strategy is what the vast majority of the Catholic Schools, that have closed over the past decade, have used.
Others use an entirely different approach by investing in new technology, upgrading curriculum, enriching arts programs, and doing whatever is necessary to position themselves as the best school in their area. We are proud to say this has been, and remains our growth strategy.
Over the past several years we have added programs like:
Performing Arts
retained and invested in our beloved library
invested in the robust and engaging Science (FOSS) and Math (EUREKA) curriculums
acquired Macs, iPads and software programs, while improving the existing IT infrastructure
hired new highly-talented teachers.
Has this commitment to growth cost a lot of money? YES. Will it cost more? ABSOLUTELY.
The fact is we have NO choice. We either continue to grow or we wilt.
We need your social and financial support.
We’re excited to participate in Giving Tuesday by partnering with Soles4Souls to put shoes on people’s feet and raising $20,000 enabling us to continue to make the investments in our educators and in the programs that will secure the future of a faith filled education.
Your support with sharing our needs now through Giving Tuesday will boost our mission and increase our ability to serve our students and our community.
Thank you for your support and your prayers. We appreciate every donation and thank God for all our donors. God Bless!