Student Learning Expectations
An All Saints Catholic School Student:
is a student Inspired by Christ who:
-prays daily and takes an active part in the life of the church.
-strives for peace, love, fairness, and forgiveness.
-values and respects all of God's creation.
-lives his/her faith guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church.
-serves as a steward of the faith, community, and world.
is an Active Learner who:
-listens attentively and responds appropriately.
-challenges himself/herself and never gives up.
-produces their best quality of work.
-demonstrates strong study skills and habits.
-works collaboratively and productively with others.
is an Effective Communicator who: -speaks and writes with purpose and clarity.
-focuses while listening actively.
-uses all technology respectfully and appropriately.
-resolves conflicts peacefully, fairly, and with kindness according to the Gospel values.
is a Responsible Citizen who:
-serves as a positive role model.
-actively cares for the community and the environment.
-helps others.
-takes a stand against bullying.
-embraces diversity.
-accepts and appreciates the differences of others as Jesus did.
-is developing an awareness of the world around them.