Tuition Assistance
All Saints Catholic School is dedicated to providing a quality education to qualified students regardless of family financial circumstances. In support of this, a need-based tuition assistance program exists to provide support to those families whose financial resources cannot provide fully for the cost of an All Saints education. Opportunities for tuition assistance are available from FACE, All Saints Catholic School/Parish, and through the Basic Fund. Application links and due dates for the 24-25 school year are below in each respective area as available. Please note that deadlines are critical. If you have missed the deadline you can still apply but please understand that funding is limited and awards are granted as funds are available. Sometimes an applicant's circumstances change resulting in funds becoming available, which is why we encourage applications be submitted even after the due date, but this does not mean that you should take the deadlines lightly.
FACTS Grant and Aid
FACTS Grant and Aid is a need analysis service provided by a division of the same company who processes tuition payments for our school families. They do not provide funding; only need analysis services for grant applications.
A FACTS Grant and Aid application must be completed to be considered for a FACE grant or school/parish assistance. FACTS Grant and Aid applications for 2024-2025 open in January 2024. Once open, to apply for assistance for the 2024-2025 school year click here or on the image to be routed to their website.
The Basic Fund Grant
The BASIC Fund grant is for new to the school students only. Applications are submitted directly to The BASIC Fund. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Applications are online only and typically open January 2024 on the Basic Fund website. Funds are limited so the earlier you apply the better your chances are of receiving a scholarship!
If you are currently enrolled in The Basic Fund program and are looking for information on renewing your scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year, you will receive instructions soon from The Basic Fund. Please note, renewing families that are applying for a new sibling, must submit a new application for the new student by the March deadline.
BASIC Fund Scholarships are now available for Pre-K & TK students!